BioKIT helps process and analyze data for bioinformatics research.
Generally, all functions are designed to help understand the contents of various files including those representing alignments, coding sequences, fastq files, and genomes.
General usage
Calling functions
biokit <command> [optional command arguments]
Command specific help messages can be viewed by adding a -h/--help argument after the command. For example, to see the to see the help message for the command ‘alignment_summary’, execute:
biokit alignment_summary -h
# or
biokit alignment_summary --help
Function aliases
Each function comes with aliases to save the user some key strokes. For example, to get the help message for the ‘alignment_summary’ function, you can type:
biokit aln_summary -h
Command line interfaces
All functions (including aliases) can also be executed using a command-line interface that starts with bk_. For example, instead of typing the previous command to get the help message of the alignment_summary function, you can type:
bk_alignment_summary -h
# or
bk_aln_summary -h
All possible function names are specified at the top of each function section.
Alignment-based functions
Alignment length
Function names: alignment_length; aln_len
Command line interface: bk_alignment_length; bk_aln_len
Calculate the length of an alignment.
biokit alignment_length <fasta>
<alignment>: first argument after function name should be an alignment file
Alignment recoding
Function names: alignment_recoding; aln_recoding; recode
Command line interface: bk_alignment_recoding; bk_aln_recoding; bk_recode
Recode alignments using reduced character states.
Alignments can be recoded using established or custom recoding schemes. Recoding schemes are specified using the -c/–code argument. Custom recoding schemes can be used and should be formatted as a two column file wherein the first column is the recoded character and the second column is the character in the alignment.
biokit alignment_recoding <fasta> [-c/--code <code>]
Codes for which recoding scheme to use:
R = purines (i.e., A and G)
Y = pyrimidines (i.e., T and C)
0 = A, P, S, and T
1 = D, E, N, and G
2 = Q, K, and R
3 = M, I, V, and L
4 = W and C
5 = F, Y, and H
0 = A, G, P, and S
1 = D, E, N, Q, H, K, R, and T
2 = M, I, and L
3 = W
4 = F and Y
5 = C and V
0 = A, G, P, S, and T
1 = D, E, N, and Q
2 = H, K, and R
3 = I, L, M, and V
4 = F, W, and Y
5 = C
0 = D, E, H, N, and Q
1 = I, L, M, and V
2 = F and Y
3 = A, S, and T
4 = K and R
5 = G
6 = P
7 = C
8 = W
0 = D, E, and Q
1 = M, L, I, and V
2 = F and Y
3 = K, H, and R
4 = G
5 = A
6 = P
7 = S
8 = T
9 = N
A = W
B = C
0 = D, E, and Q
1 = M and L
2 = I and V
3 = F and Y
4 = G
5 = A
6 = P
7 = S
8 = T
9 = N
A = K
B = H
C = R
D = W
E = C
0 = F and Y
1 = M and L
2 = I
3 = V
4 = G
5 = A
6 = P
7 = S
8 = T
9 = D
A = E
B = Q
C = N
D = K
E = H
F = R
G = W
H = C
<alignment>: first argument after function name should be an alignment file
-c/--code: argument to specify the recoding scheme to use
Alignment summary
Function names: alignment_summary; aln_summary
Command line interface: bk_alignment_summary; bk_aln_summary
Summary statistics for an alignment. Reported statistics include alignment length, number of taxa, number of parsimony sites, number of variable sites, number of constant sites, frequency of each character (including gaps, which are considered to be ‘-’ or ‘?’).
biokit alignment_summary <fasta>
<alignment>: first argument after function name should be an alignment file
Consensus sequence
Function names: consensus_sequence; con_seq
Command line interface: bk_consensus_sequence; bk_con_seq
Generates a consequence from a multiple sequence alignment file in FASTA format.
biokit consensus_sequence <fasta> -t/--threshold <threshold> -ac/--ambiguous_character <ambiguous character>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be an alignment fasta file
<threshold>: threshold for how common a residue must be to be represented
<ambiguous character>: the ambiguity character to use. Default is ‘N’
Constant sites
Function names: constant_sites; con_sites
Command line interface: bk_constant_sites; bk_con_sites
Calculate the number of constant sites in an alignment.
Constant sites are defined as a site in an alignment with the same nucleotide or amino acid sequence (excluding gaps) among all taxa.
biokit constant_sites <fasta> [-v/\-\-verbose]
<alignment>: first argument after function name should be an alignment file
-v/--verbose: optional argument to print site-by-site categorization
Parsimony informative sites
Function names: parsimony_informative_sites; pi_sites; pis
Command line interface: bk_parsimony_informative_sites; bk_pi_sites; bk_pis
Calculate the number of parsimony informative sites in an alignment.
Parsimony informative sites are defined as a site in an alignment with at least two nucleotides or amino acids that occur at least twice.
biokit parsimony_informative_sites <fasta> [-v/\-\-verbose]
<alignment>: first argument after function name should be an alignment file
-v/--verbose: optional argument to print site-by-site categorization
Position specific score matrix
Function names: position_specific_score_matrix; pssm
Command line interface: bk_position_specific_score_matrix; bk_pssm
Generates a position specific score matrix for an alignment.
biokit position_specific_score_matrix <fasta> [-ac/--ambiguous_character <ambiguous character>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be an alignment fasta file
<ambiguous character>: the ambiguity character to use. Default is ‘N’
Variable sites
Function names: variable_sites; var_sites; vs
Command line interface: bk_variable_sites; bk_var_sites; bk_vs
Calculate the number of variable sites in an alignment.
Variable sites are defined as a site in an alignment with at least two nucleotide or amino acid characters among all taxa.
biokit variable_sites <fasta> [-v/\-\-verbose]
<alignment>: first argument after function name should be an alignment file
-v/--verbose: optional argument to print site-by-site categorization
Coding sequence-based functions
GC content first codon position
Function names: gc_content_first_position; gc1
Command line interface: bk_gc_content_first_position; bk_gc1
Calculate GC content of the first codon position. The input must be the coding sequence of a gene or genes. All genes are assumed to have sequence lengths divisible by three.
biokit gc_content_first_position <fasta> [-v/--verbose]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-v/--verbose: optional argument to print the GC content of each fasta entry
GC content second codon position
Function names: gc_content_second_position; gc2
Command line interface: bk_gc_content_second_position; bk_gc2
Calculate GC content of the second codon position. The input must be the coding sequence of a gene or genes. All genes are assumed to have sequence lengths divisible by three.
biokit gc_content_second_position <fasta> [-v/--verbose]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-v/--verbose: optional argument to print the GC content of each fasta entry
GC content third codon position
Function names: gc_content_third_position; gc3
Command line interface: bk_gc_content_third_position; bk_gc3
Calculate GC content of the third codon position. The input must be the coding sequence of a gene or genes. All genes are assumed to have sequence lengths divisible by three.
biokit gc_content_third_position <fasta> [-v/--verbose]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-v/--verbose: optional argument to print the GC content of each fasta entry
Gene-wise relative synonymous codon usage (gRSCU)
Function names: gene_wise_relative_synonymous_codon_usage; gene_wise_rscu; gw_rscu; grscu
Command line interface: bk_gene_wise_relative_synonymous_codon_usage; bk_gene_wise_rscu; bk_gw_rscu; bk_grscu
Calculate gene-wise relative synonymous codon usage (gRSCU).
Codon usage bias examines biases for codon usage of a particular gene. We adapted RSCU to be applied to individual genes rather than only codons. Specifically, gRSCU is the mean (or median) RSCU value observed in a particular gene. This provides insight into how codon usage bias influences codon usage for a particular gene. This function also outputs the standard deviation of RSCU values for a given gene.
The output is col 1: the gene identifier; col 2: the gRSCU based on the mean RSCU value observed in a gene; col 3: the gRSCU based on the median RSCU value observed in a gene; and the col 4: the standard deviation of RSCU values observed in a gene.
Custom genetic codes can be used as input and should be formatted with the codon in first column and the resulting amino acid in the second column.
biokit gene_wise_relative_synonymous_codon_usage <fasta> [-tt/--translation_table <code>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-tt/--translation_table: optional argument of the code for the translation
table to be used. Default: 1, which is the standard code.
Relative synonymous codon usage
Function names: relative_synonymous_codon_usage; rscu
Command line interface: bk_relative_synonymous_codon_usage; bk_rscu
Calculate relative synonymous codon usage.
Relative synonymous codon usage is the ratio of the observed frequency of codons over the expected frequency given that all the synonymous codons for the same amino acids are used equally.
Custom genetic codes can be used as input and should be formatted with the codon in first column and the resulting amino acid in the second column.
biokit relative_synonymous_codon_usage <fasta> [-tt/--translation_table <code>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-tt/--translation_table: optional argument of the code for the translation
table to be used. Default: 1, which is the standard code.
Translate sequence
Function names: translate_sequence; translate_seq; trans_seq
Command line interface: bk_translate_sequence; bk_translate_seq; bk_trans_seq
Translates coding sequences to amino acid sequences. Sequences can be translated using diverse genetic codes. For codons that can encode two amino acids (e.g., TAG encodes Glu or STOP in the Blastocrithidia Nuclear Code), the standard genetic code is used.
Custom genetic codes can be used as input and should be formatted with the codon in first column and the resulting amino acid in the second column.
biokit translate_sequence <fasta> [-tt/--translation_table <code> -o/--output <output_file>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-tt/--translation_table: optional argument of the code for the translation
table to be used. Default: 1, which is the standard code.
-o/--output: optional argument to write the translated fasta file to.
Default output has the same name as the input file with the suffix “.translated.fa” added
to it.
FASTQ file functions
FASTQ read lengths
Function names: fastq_read_lengths; fastq_read_lens
Command line interface: bk_fastq_read_lengths; bk_fastq_read_lens
Determine lengths of FASTQ reads.
Using default arguments, the average and standard deviation of read lengths in a FASTQ file will be reported. To obtain the lengths of all FASTQ reads, use the verbose option.
biokit fastq_read_lengths <fasta> [-tt/--translation_table <code> -o/--output <output_file>]
<fastq>: first argument after function name should be a FASTQ file
-v/--verbose: print length of each FASTQ read
Subset PE FASTQ reads
Function names: subset_pe_fastq_reads; subset_pe_fastq
Command line interface: bk_subset_pe_fastq_reads; bk_subset_pe_fastq
Subset paired-end FASTQ data.
Subsetting FASTQ data may be helpful for running test scripts or achieving equal coverage between samples. A percentage of total reads in paired-end FASTQ data can be obtained with this function. Random subsamples are obtained using seeds for reproducibility. If no seed is specified, a seed is generated based off of the date and time. During subsampling, paired-end information is maintained.
Files are outputed with the suffix “_subset.fq”
biokit subset_pe_fastq_reads <fastq1> <fastq2> [-p/--percent <percent> -s/--seed <seed> -o/--output_file <output_file>]
<fastq1>: first argument after function name should be the name of one of the fastq files
<fastq2>: first argument after function name should be the name of the other fastq file
-p/--percent: percentage of reads to maintain in subsetted data
-s/--seed: seed for random sampling
Subset SE FASTQ reads
Function names: subset_se_fastq_reads; subset_se_fastq
Command line interface: bk_subset_se_fastq_reads; bk_subset_se_fastq
Subset single-end FASTQ data.
Subsetting FASTQ data may be helpful for running test scripts or achieving equal coverage between samples. A percentage of total reads in single-end FASTQ data can be obtained with this function. Random subsamples are obtained using seeds for reproducibility. If no seed is specified, a seed is generated based off of the date and time.
Output files will have the suffix “_subset.fq”
biokit subset_se_fastq_reads <fastq> [-p/--percent <percent> -s/--seed <seed> -o/--output_file <output_file>]
<fastq>: first argument after function name should be the name of one of the fastq files
-p/--percent: percentage of reads to maintain in subsetted data
-s/--seed: seed for random sampling
-o/--output_file: specify the name of the output file
Trim PE adapters FASTQ reads
Function names: trim_pe_adapters_fastq_reads; trim_pe_adapters_fastq
Command line interface: bk_trim_pe_adapters_fastq_reads; bk_trim_pe_adapters_fastq
Trim adapters from paired-end FastQ data.
FASTQ data will be trimmed according to exact match to known adapter sequences.
Output file has the suffix “_adapter_removed.fq” or can be named by the user with the output_file argument.
biokit trim_pe_adapters_fastq_reads <fastq1> <fastq2> [-a/--adapters TruSeq2-PE -l/--length 20]
Adapaters available:
<fastq1>: first argument after function name should be the name of one of the fastq files
<fastq2>: first argument after function name should be the name of the other fastq file
-a/--adapters: adapter sequences to trim. Default: TruSeq2-PE
-l/--length: minimum length of read to be kept. Default: 20
Trim PE FASTQ reads
Function names: trim_pe_fastq_reads; trim_pe_fastq
Command line interface: bk_trim_pe_fastq_reads; bk_trim_pe_fastq
Quality trim paired-end FastQ data.
FASTQ data will be trimmed according to quality score and length of the reads. Users can specify quality and length thresholds. Paired reads that are maintained and saved to files with the suffix “_paired_trimmed.fq.” Single reads that passed quality thresholds are saved to files with the suffix “_unpaired_trimmed.fq.”
biokit trim_pe_fastq_reads <fastq1> <fastq2> [-m/--minimum 20 -l/--length 20]
<fastq1>: first argument after function name should be the name of one of the fastq files
<fastq2>: first argument after function name should be the name of the other fastq file
-m/--minimum: minimum quality of read to be kept. Default: 20
-l/--length: minimum length of read to be kept. Default: 20
Trim SE adapters FASTQ reads
Function names: trim_se_adapters_fastq_reads; trim_se_adapters_fastq
Command line interface: bk_trim_se_adapters_fastq_reads; bk_trim_se_adapters_fastq
Trim adapters from single-end FastQ data.
FASTQ data will be trimmed according to exact match to known adapter sequences.
Output file has the suffix “_adapter_removed.fq” or can be named by the user with the output_file argument.
biokit trim_se_adapters_fastq_reads <fastq> [-a/--adapters TruSeq2-SE -l/--length 20]
<fastq>: first argument after function name should be the fastq file
-a/--adapters: adapter sequences to trim. Default: TruSeq2-SE
-l/--length: minimum length of read to be kept. Default: 20
-o/--output_file: name of the output file of trimmed reads
Trim SE FASTQ reads
Function names: trim_se_fastq_reads; trim_se_fastq
Command line interface: bk_trim_se_fastq_reads; bk_trim_se_fastq
Quality trim single-end FastQ data.
FASTQ data will be trimmed according to quality score and length of the reads. Users can specify quality and length thresholds. Output file has the suffix “_trimmed.fq” or can be named by the user with the output_file argument.
biokit trim_se_fastq_reads <fastq> [-m/--minimum 20 -l/--length 20]
<fastq>: first argument after function name should be the fastq file
-m/--minimum: minimum quality of read to be kept. Default: 20
-l/--length: minimum length of read to be kept. Default: 20
-o/--output_file: name of the output file of trimmed reads
Genome functions
GC content
Function names: gc_content; gc
Command line interface: bk_gc_content; bk_gc
Calculate GC content of a fasta file.
GC content is the fraction of bases that are either guanines or cytosines. To obtain GC content per FASTA entry, use the verbose option.
biokit gc_content <fasta> [-v/--verbose]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-v/--verbose: optional argument to print the GC content of each fasta entry
Genome assembly metrics
Function names: genome_assembly_metrics; assembly_metrics
Command line interface: bk_genome_assembly_metrics; bk_assembly_metrics
Calculate L50, L90, N50, N90, GC content, assembly size, number of scaffolds, number and sum length of large scaffolds, frequency of A, T, C, and G.
L50: The smallest number of contigs whose length sum makes up half of the genome size.
L90: The smallest number of contigs whose length sum makes up 90% of the genome size.
N50: The sequence length of the shortest contig at half of the genome size.
N90: The sequence length of the shortest contig at 90% of the genome size.
GC content: The fraction of bases that are either guanines or cytosines.
Assembly size: The sum length of all contigs in an assembly.
Number of scaffolds: The total number of scaffolds in an assembly.
Number of large scaffolds: The total number of scaffolds that are greater than the threshold for small scaffolds.
Sum length of large scaffolds: The sum length of all large scaffolds.
Frequency of A: The number of occurences of A corrected by assembly size.
Frequency of T: The number of occurences of T corrected by assembly size.
Frequency of C: The number of occurences of C corrected by assembly size.
Frequency of G: The number of occurences of G corrected by assembly size.
biokit genome_assembly_metrics <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-t/--threshold: threshold for what is considered a large scaffold.
Only scaffolds with a length greater than this value will be counted. Default: 500
Function names: l50
Command line interface: bk_l50
Calculates L50 for a genome assembly.
L50 is the smallest number of contigs whose length sum makes up half of the genome size.
biokit l50 <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Function names: l90
Command line interface: bk_l90
Calculates L90 for a genome assembly.
L90 is the smallest number of contigs whose length sum makes up 90% of the genome size.
biokit l90 <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Longest scaffold
Function names: longest_scaffold; longest_scaff; longest_contig; longest_cont
Command line interface: bk_longest_scaffold; bk_longest_scaff; bk_longest_contig; bk_longest_cont
Determine the length of the longest scaffold in a genome assembly.
biokit longest_scaffold <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Function names: n50
Command line interface: bk_n50
Calculates N50 for a genome assembly.
N50 is the sequence length of the shortest contig at 50% of the genome size.
biokit n50 <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Function names: n90
Command line interface: bk_n90
Calculates N90 for a genome assembly.
N90 is the sequence length of the shortest contig at 90% of the genome size.
biokit n90 <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Number of large scaffolds
Function names: number_of_large_scaffolds; num_of_lrg_scaffolds; number_of_large_contigs; num_of_lrg_cont
Command line interface: bk_number_of_large_scaffolds; bk_num_of_lrg_scaffolds; bk_number_of_large_contigs; bk_num_of_lrg_cont
Calculate number and total sequence length of large scaffolds. Each value is represented as column 1 and column 2 in the output, respectively.
biokit number_of_large_scaffolds <fasta> [-t/--threshold <int>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-t/--threshold: threshold for what is considered
a large scaffold. Only scaffolds with a length greater than this
value will be counted. Default: 500
Number of scaffolds
Function names: number_of_scaffolds; num_of_scaffolds; number_of_contigs; num_of_cont
Command line interface: bk_number_of_scaffolds; bk_num_of_scaffolds; bk_number_of_contigs; bk_num_of_cont
Calculate the number of scaffolds or entries in a FASTA file. In this way, a user can also determine the number of predicted genes in a coding sequence or protein FASTA file with this function.
biokit number_of_scaffolds <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Sum of scaffold lengths
Function names: sum_of_scaffold_lengths; sum_of_contig_lengths
Command line interface: bk_sum_of_scaffold_lengths; bk_sum_of_contig_lengths
Determine the sum of scaffold lengths.
The intended use of this function is to determine the length of a genome assembly, but can also be used, for example, to determine the sum length of all coding sequences.
biokit sum_of_scaffold_lengths <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Sequence summary and processing functions
Character frequency
Function names: character_frequency; char_freq
Command line interface: bk_character_frequency; bk_char_freq
Calculate the frequency of characters in a FASTA file.
This can be used to determine the frequency of A, T, C, and G in a genome or the frequency of amino acids in a proteome.
biokit character_frequency <fasta> [-v/--verbose]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Get FASTA entry (faidx)
Function names: faidx; get_entry; ge
Command line interface: bk_faidx; bk_get_entry; bk_ge
Extracts sequence entry from fasta file.
This function works similarly to the faidx function in samtools, but does not requiring an indexing the sequence file.
biokit faidx <fasta> [-v/--verbose]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-e/--entry: entry name to be extracted from the inputted fasta file
File format converter
Function names: file_format_converter; format_converter; ffc
Command line interface: bk_file_format_converter; bk_format_converter; bk_ffc
Converts a multiple sequence file from one format to another.
Acceptable file formats include FASTA, Clustal, MAF, Mauve, Phylip, Phylip-sequential, Phylip-relaxed, and Stockholm. Input and output file formats are specified with the --input_file_format and --output_file_format arguments; input and output files are specified with the --input_file and --output_file arguments.
biokit file_format_converter -i/--input_file <input_file> -iff/--input_file_format <input_file_format> -o/--output_file <output_file> -off/--output_file_format <output_file_format>
-i/--input_file: input file name
-iff/--input_file_format: input file format
-o/--output_file: output file name
-off/--output_file_format: output file format
Multiple line to single line FASTA
Function names: multiple_line_to_single_line_fasta; ml2sl
Command line interface: bk_multiple_line_to_single_line_fasta; bk_ml2sl
Converts FASTA files with multiple lines per sequence to a FASTA file with the sequence represented on one line.
biokit multiple_line_to_single_line_fasta <fasta> [-o/--output <output_file>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-o/--output: optional argument to name the output file
Remove FASTA entry
Function names: remove_fasta_entry
Command line interface: bk_remove_fasta_entry
Remove FASTA entry from multi-FASTA file.
Output will have the suffix “pruned.fa” unless the user specifies a different output file name.
biokit remove_fasta_entry <fasta> -e/--entry <entry> [-o/--output <output_file>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-e/--entry: entry name to be removed from the inputted fasta file
-o/--output: optional argument to write the renamed fasta file to.
Default output has the same name as the input file with the suffix “pruned.fa”
added to it.
Remove short sequences
Function names: remove_short_sequences; remove_short_seqs
Command line interface: bk_remove_short_sequences; bk_remove_short_seqs
Remove short sequences from a multi-FASTA file.
Short sequences are defined as having a length less than 500. Users can specify their own threshold. All sequences greater than the threshold will be kept in the resulting file.
Output will have the suffix “long_seqs.fa” unless the user specifies a different output file name.
biokit remove_short_sequences <fasta> -t/--threshold <threshold> [-o/--output <output_file>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-t/--threshold: threshold for short sequences. Sequences greater
than this value will be kept
-o/--output: optional argument to write the renamed fasta file to.
Default output has the same name as the input file with the suffix “long_seqs.fa”
added to it.
Rename FASTA entries
Function names: rename_fasta_entries; rename_fasta
Command line interface: bk_rename_fasta_entries; bk_rename_fasta
Renames fasta entries.
Renaming fasta entries will follow the scheme of a tab-delimited file wherein the first column is the current fasta entry name and the second column is the new fasta entry name in the resulting output alignment.
rename_fasta_entries <fasta> -i/--idmap <idmap> [-o/--output <output_file>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-i/--idmap: identifier map of current FASTA names (col1) and desired FASTA names (col2)
-o/--output: optional argument to name the output file
Reorder by sequence length
Function names: reorder_by_sequence_length; reorder_by_seq_len
Command line interface: bk_reorder_by_sequence_length; bk_reorder_by_seq_len
Reorder FASTA file entries from the longest entry to the shortest entry.
biokit reorder_by_sequence_length <fasta> [-o/--output <output_file>]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-o/--output: optional argument to write the reordered fasta file to.
Default output has the same name as the input file with the suffix
“.reordered.fa” added to it.
Sequence complement
Function names: sequence_complement; seq_comp
Command line interface: bk_sequence_complement; bk_seq_comp
Generates the sequence complement for all entries in a multi-FASTA file. To generate a reverse sequence complement, add the -r/–reverse argument.
biokit sequence_complement <fasta> [-r/--reverse]
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
-r/--reverse: if used, the reverse complement sequence will be generated
Sequence length
Function names: sequence_length; seq_len
Command line interface: bk_sequence_length; bk_seq_len
Calculate sequence length of each FASTA entry.
biokit sequence_length <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file
Single line to multiple line fasta
Function names: single_line_to_multiple_line_fasta; sl2ml
Command line interface: bk_single_line_to_multiple_line_fasta; bk_sl2ml
Calculate sequence length of each FASTA entry.
biokit single_line_to_multiple_line_fasta <fasta>
<fasta>: first argument after function name should be a fasta file