PhyKIT, a toolkit for the UNIX shell environment with numerous functions that process multiple sequence alignments and phylogenies for broad applications
If you found PhyKIT useful, please cite PhyKIT: a broadly applicable UNIX shell toolkit for processing and analyzing phylogenomic data. Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab096.
Quick Start
These two lines represent the simpliest method to rapidly install and run PhyKIT.
# install
pip install phykit
# run
phykit -h
1) Installation
To install using pip, we strongly recommend building a virtual environment to avoid software dependency issues. To do so, execute the following commands:
# create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
# activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# install phykit
pip install phykit
Note, the virtual environment must be activated to use phykit.
After using PhyKIT, you may wish to deactivate your virtual environment and can do so using the following command:
# deactivate virtual environment
Similarly, to install from source, we strongly recommend using a virtual environment. To do so, use the following commands:
# download
git clone https://github.com/JLSteenwyk/PhyKIT.git
cd PhyKIT/
# create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
# activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# install
make install
To deactivate your virtual environment, use the following command:
# deactivate virtual environment
Note, the virtual environment must be activated to use phykit.
To install via anaconda, execute the following command:
conda install bioconda::phykit
Visit here for more information: https://anaconda.org/bioconda/phykit
2) Usage
Get the help message from PhyKIT:
phykit -h
- About
- Usage
- General usage
- Alignment-based functions
- Alignment length
- Alignment length no gaps
- Alignment recoding
- Column score
- Compositional bias per site
- Create concatenation matrix
- Evolutionary Rate per Site
- Faidx
- Guanine-cytosine (GC) content
- Pairwise identity
- Parsimony informative sites
- Protein-to-nucleotide alignment
- Relative composition variability
- Relative composition variability, taxon
- Rename FASTA entries
- Sum-of-pairs score
- Variable sites
- Tree-based functions
- Bipartition support statistics
- Branch length multiplier
- Collapse bipartitions
- Covarying evolutionary rates
- Degree of violation of the molecular clock
- Evolutionary rate
- Hidden paralogy check
- Internal branch statistics
- Internode labeler
- Last common ancestor subtree
- Long branch score
- Monophyly check
- Nearest neighbor interchange
- Patristic distances
- Polytomy testing
- Print tree
- Prune tree
- Rename tree tips
- Robinson-Foulds distance
- Root tree
- Spurious homolog identification
- Terminal branch statistics
- Tip labels
- Tip-to-tip distance
- Tip-to-tip node distance
- Total tree length
- Treeness
- Alignment- and tree-based functions
- Tutorials
- Change log
- Other software